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Life in Canada [2022]

Paul Abraham
Life in Canada [2022]

It's long been a country for people who want to live in a place where clean air, good living conditions, and safe streets are prioritized, and that's what you get when you go to Canada: a safe place to live among people with strong qualities and aspirations.

Canada has earned a reputation for being one of the most hospitable countries on the planet. This is also considered to be one of the safest places to live. If you're looking for the benefits of moving or immigrating to Canada, you won't have to look very far.

While most countries have closed their immigration programs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada has moved quickly to open movement doors in 2021.

Canadian immigration levels in 2022

According to the 2021-2023 Immigration Levels Plan, Canada intends to invite a record-breaking 411,000 new permanent residents in 2022.

It is a higher level of significance than Canada has ever designated. During the pandemic, Canada has made no mention of lowering this goal. The new immigration minister mentioned possibly raising these levels to meet labor market demands.

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Paul Abraham
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