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Testosterone: You Need To Know This!

Testosterone: You Need To Know This!

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by both men and women. This hormone is important for both genders, however, it is more prominent in men. It regulates reproductive health, helps with body growth and repair.


In our blog, we discuss why Understanding Testosterone Levels is important, What Causes Low Testosterone Levels, the Symptoms of Low Testosterone and What Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone level) is. This is information that you need to know so that you'll know When to seek help and when to Test Your Testosterone Levels.


Treatment for Hypogonadism in Males and Treatment for Hypogonadism in Females are quite similar but the ways of completing these treatments are different. Women can also acquire assistance with reproduction using In vitro fertilization (IVF), Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), and Assisted reproductive technology (ART).


We also discuss what is Hypergodanism, which is having High Testosterone & Estrogen. The causes of High Hypergodanism levels are a consequence of steroid abuse or reproductive disorders. Thankfully, there are Treatments for Hypergonadism which we go over in our blog

Read the full blog here: Testosterone: You Need To Know This!

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