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Best Districts & Features of Park View City Lahore

Best Districts & Features of Park View City Lahore

Lahore Park View is a residential society situated in the capital of Punjab. The housing project was initially named Park View Villas but was renamed after its high demand which resulted in the extension of the same. The society comes under Mr. Aleem Khan who owns Vision Group of Companies, the developers of this state-of-the-art society. 

Districts of PVC Lahore:

Society has been divided into several housing blocks. The reason behind making various districts was to provide different kinds of living experiences to people with distinct likes and interests. Here is a list of blocks that are currently being loved by buyers and investors for their numerous qualities:

  1. Tulip Extension
  2. Pearl Block
  3. Overseas Block
  4. Diamond Block
  5. Platinum Block
  6. Crystal Block
  7. Executive Block
  8. Park view Golf Estate

Pearl and Overseas Block:

All of these blocks provide a set of amenities that aid in leading a well-balanced life. As per the new update, Pearl Block and Overseas Block are offering on-ground plots. An on-ground plot gives instant possession and allows construction once the payment is fully given within due time. Lahore Park View payment plan has come up with a new way of purchasing residential or commercial units. This method comprises a 20 percent booking fee, after which the rest of the 80 percent is given within a time frame of 1 month. Once the payment is cleared, possession is given after 1 month and then the buyer is allowed to construct a unit of interest on his or her asset. 

Golf Estate:

The most unique block among all is Lahore Park View Golf Estate. It has been divided into two ratios. 60 percent of the land is dedicated to golf courses and lush green landscape whereas the remaining 40 percent is reserved as a residential area. The golf course built here will span across 500 Kanal of Land and will be developed under the supervision of world-class golf course builders. To purchase a plot here, a 25 percent down payment is given from the total amount and then quarterly installments are given for the next 2 years for full possession of the same. 

Features and Amenities:

The amenities that are exclusively part of PVC Lahore only are listed below:

  1. 220 ft. Main Boulevard
  2. Quality Schools, Colleges & Universities
  3. Fancy Eateries, Cafés, Restaurants
  4. Gyms, Salons, Parks & Jogging Tracks
  5. Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 24/7
  6. Round the clock CCTV Surveillance
  7. Waste Management & Recycling System

Final Remarks:

These are the best features and districts of Park View City Lahore. No wonder, this society has been highly appreciated for rendering commendable services to residents and visitors. It has become one of the most invested-in projects of Lahore due to the high demand and property value of the same. To purchase a plot here you should call Regency Marketing management, which is an official authorized sales partner of Park View Lahore. Good luck!

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