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How Do You Select the Best Kitchen Layout?

Ricki Boyle
How Do You Select the Best Kitchen Layout?

The kitchen is the only part of the home, where someone is doing some serious work. Hence, this is the reason why it is essential to determine the layout of this space with care. The space must be comfortable for the cook to operate and perhaps it is your spouse doing the cooking. It is her workstation and you will need to implement measures so that she can operate comfortably. Moreover, it is not only the spouse who uses the kitchen space and you might also want to prepare a cup of coffee while she is cooking. This is precisely the reason why it is extremely important to select a kitchen layout for your cooking space after extensive planning. Before we discuss further it is important to know about the possible kitchen layouts and also the triangle concept.


What are the various types of kitchen plan layouts


There are four types of layout designs possible to incorporate in the kitchen space. Here are the details for readers in brief.


· The galley layout is the first variety and it is a long narrow kitchen space, where the cabinets face each other. This layout is appropriate in small spaces where the room is limited. The layout makes the kitchen compact, but it is not ideal if you desire this space to be the focal point of your home. 

· The L shape layout is another option that should suit medium-sized kitchen spaces. In this theme, there are two adjoining walls, which offer space for the installation of cabinets. This layout offers the scope to fit in an island in the middle. 

· If your kitchen space is large one can try out the U-shaped layout. This layout has three adjacent walls, where you get the scope to install cabinets. It is an ideal kitchen space, where you get plenty of functional and working areas. 

· One can also try out an open plan and this should be perfect for people who desire the kitchen space to be the focal point of the home. This theme offers unrestricted flow between the living space and the cooking area. 


Understand the kitchen triangle


It is also important to take into consideration the kitchen triangle before you decide on the ideal layout for the kitchen space. This rule states that the refrigerator, stove, and sink should be in a triangle. One should also note that every leg of the triangle should be four to nine feet in length. This triangle offers the best-streamlined traffic flow and makes cooking easier. 


What is the layout perfect for my kitchen space?


We have discussed various kitchen layouts and you would perhaps be eager to know about the best option for your cooking arena. There is plenty of consideration as you select the kitchen layout for your cooking arena and perhaps the traffic flow into this part of the home will be a determining factor. The desired location of electrical outlets and the placement of appliances will also determine the layout perfect for your kitchen space. The necessary storage space in your kitchen must also be considered as you select the layout. 




It is tough to select and also incorporate a kitchen layout at your cooking arena. The suggestion will be that you seek professional help. You can seek the assistance of Done Right Home Remodeling in Los Angeles on these matters. They have the necessary expertise and technical knowledge to smoothly incorporate the ideal layout for your kitchen. The kitchen will be efficient, functional after their team has incorporated all the changes. 

Ricki Boyle
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