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Prodigy Club
Vadic math

Experience Vedic Math through games!

At Prodigy Club, Vedic Math online course - world's fastest mental Vadic math method is taught through logical board Vedic games and sports tournaments.

Students from all over India participate in Verdic math tournaments here; keeping session’s fun and engaging.

Vedic Math levels at Prodigy Club is created using school curriculum in mind, and is a registered and certified course, basically it’s a Vedic maths certificate course. This program is offered online course on Vedic maths and offline both for students of 8 yrs and above.


Benefits of Vedic Maths for kids:

- Avoid silly calculation errors

- Boosts confidence in math

- Reduces fear of math

- School exams get completed much faster

- a skill learned for life, can be applied anywhere and everywhere

Prodigy Club
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