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What do you need to know about LED solar street lights? With the development of street lighting modern technology, nowadays a growing number of areas utilize LED solar street lighting systems, which are much energy-saving and also eco-friendly. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of LED solar street lights?

Functioning principle

Under the control of the smart solar charge controller, solar panels absorb sunlight in the daytime, furthermore converting it into electrical energy to charge the battery pack. Then in the nighttime, the batteries can power the LED lamps. The solar controller can protect the battery pack from damage because of overcharging or over-discharging, as well as it has features such as dimming control, time control, temperature compensation, surge protection, and also reverse polarity protection.

Structure design

The solar street light is composed of an LED lamp, solar panel, battery, solar controller, street light pole, and connect cables. Its major components and also features are:

  1. Photovoltaic panel. The solar panel is the core component of the solar energy generation system. Its feature is to convert the sunlight ′ s radiant into electrical energy, furthermore to charge the solar batteries.
  2. Solar charge controller. The solar charge controller always controls the whole system, including the charging process between the solar panel & battery, also the discharge process from the battery to the solar lamps. Meanwhile, the solar controller can protect the battery from overcharging or over-discharging.
  3. Battery. Generally speaking, the lead-acid gel battery is an ideal battery solution for the normal solar street lighting project, due to its high-cost performance and stable quality. However the lead-acid battery is always of a big size, so in a tiny or microsystems, nickel-hydrogen battery, nickel-cadmium battery, or lithium battery can be a good choice.

LED solar street lighting systems advantages

  • There is no need to build the power supply cables for the solar street lights as the solar system is off-grid, which means a lot of labor costs could be saved. For the installation only a cement base & a battery housing are in need, they can be easily fixed by galvanized bolts. At the same time, compared to the normal street lighting system with AC220V high voltage power supply input, there is no worry about power outages.
  • LED solar-powered street light is a one-time investment but also have long-term benefits. Based on the off-grid system, there are no maintenance costs or electricity costs. The investment will certainly be recovered in 6-7 years, and more than 1 million electricity & security expenses will be saved in the following 3-4 years.
  • Solar energy street light is 12-24V DC low voltage input, which is much more safe and reliable.
  • The LED soar light is an eco-friendly lighting product with pollution-free and radiation-free.
  • Along with the LED lighting technology development, the LED luminaires can achieve a very long lifespan with more than ten years now, which is much longer than the conventional lamps.

LED solar street lighting systems disadvantages

  • The level of development of solar applications with low power & high expense is theoretically practical in some areas, and also technically innovative. Nonetheless, some solar power devices have low power and also high expense. Generally speaking, the economic level can not match the conventional power.
  • Although the overall quantity of solar radiation arriving at the surface of the earth is very large, the energy density is still very low. Therefore, a set of collection and conversion devices with a large area is always required when utilizing solar energy, and the expense is relatively high.

For more information about YIBAI LED lighting solutions including IES files, Dialux simulation reports, and technical datasheets, please visit www.yibai.lighting

Contact Us:

Guangdong Yibai Optotech Co., Ltd

Tel: +86-13631786201

E-mail: Mattzhao@yibai.lighting

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