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When Should You Replace Your Air Compressor?

Vijay Engineering and Machinery Co.
When Should You Replace Your Air Compressor?

When your air compressor starts showing signs of breaking down or malfunctioning, it raises the question of whether the problem can be fixed through repairs or if the time has come to replace the entire unit altogether. Although repairing your air compressor may seem like the more cost-efficient option at the moment, it may not be the case in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the factors that can help you to determine what the more appropriate solution is.

Before taking the call of replacing your air compressor, check the system thoroughly to see if the issue is a minor one and can easily be rectified. There are a number of reasons it could have broken down, and it may just be a simple one. Examining it properly with the help of a servicing technician will give you a better idea of the nature of the issue. 

Some factors indicating that the air compressor could be repaired rather than replaced are that: 

  • The unit is quite new and has completed a few hours of operation,
  • There is no upgrade available that uses better technology,
  • Spare parts for the model are readily available,
  • And it otherwise performs quite reliably. 

On the other hand, replacing the air compressor may be the smarter solution if:

  • It has previously broken down and caused trouble,
  • The cost of a new more energy-efficient model could soon be made up in electricity savings,
  • The current model is obsolete and replacing its parts is difficult, too costly, or time-consuming,
  • The current air compressor is too small for your requirements at present.

If the better alternative is to replace the air compressor, you may be wary of the large price tag it might come with. However, it helps to keep in mind that the initial cost apart, there are other components to the cost of the air compressor such as energy savings, how reliable it is, and reduced maintenance costs. These aspects make up for the cost of the air compressor faster than you might think. As well, the price of the air compressor does not account for the costs associated with the downtime from a breakdown, which could be rather heavy. So, rest assured that replacing your air compressor, if that is the most appropriate solution, has its own vast set of advantages!

VEMC is an authorized dealer of Elgi air compressors and provides end-to-end solutions for all your industrial energy requirements. Guided by more than 72 years of industry expertise, we aim to offer you specialized support in this space. VEMC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and a pioneer in the field of electromechanical engineering products, allied equipment, and services. Please feel free to contact us on +91 98199 07445, and we will be happy to assist you.

Vijay Engineering and Machinery Co.
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