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Emerald Coast Rentals

Emerald Coast Rentals
Emerald Coast Rentals

At emerald coast rentals, We offer accommodations on the beautiful Okaloosa Island from efficiencies to 3 bedroom condos all with private balconies overlooking the beach. Fort Walton Beach is one of the most popular destinations on Florida’s Emerald Coast and the rentals are tucked away on the gorgeous Okaloosa Island. We love our Island and want every guest to fully enjoy their time with us. We are locals so we truly enjoy passing on recommendations that will make you fall in love with Okaloosa Island as well! Everything you were ever looking for in a vacation spot is right there – the Okaloosa Island is a perfect location for a laid back, stress free vacation of your dreams. You will find incredible restaurants, fun beach attractions, shopping and the most unforgettable views.

Brooks and Shorey Resorts Vacation Rentals specializes in beach front rentals along the beautiful beaches of Okaloosa Island in Fort Walton Beach, FL.


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Emerald Coast Rentals
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