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Tattoo Designs and Ideas For Matching Tattoos For Couples And Sisters

Hridoy Ahmed
Tattoo Designs and Ideas For Matching Tattoos For Couples And Sisters

Having matching tattoos is a way for people to show the love and affection they feel for another person. Getting ink seems to be a way for them to immortalize the special relationship they have, whether it be with their partner, sisters, best friends, and parent.

When two people are in love, they feel as if everything lasts forever. And what better way to express their undying affection for each other than through matching tattoos. Sister Tattoos, having symbols as tattoo designs that match is a better option than inking each other's names so that if things don't pan out the way they predicted it would be, then it would be less embarrassing. Plus, they don't immediately have to worry about expensive laser tat removal. So instead of names, go for images that symbolize the love you have for each other or maybe a line from a poem you both like.

Friendship is another reason to get matching tattoos. As they say, true friends are hard so mark "friends for life" by having identical tattoos. This could be anything, from glyphs of each other's zodiac sign if you are both believers in astrology to classic symbols like stars, flowers, and butterflies. You can also go for images that represent your friendship or maybe a reminder of a memorable vacation spent together.

Tattoos also carried connotations of class - they were seen as adornments of the working class. Even if society ladies had them (and they did), the stigma(!) of tattoos was that they were vulgar. While the tattooed ladies were given exotic stories that often included noble birth, they were working-class girls who decided to take a chance - a big one - and get paid more than their conservative sisters. One tattooed lady - Betty Broadbent - was quoted as saying she regretted getting her first tattoo. Now I'm sure she didn't regret everything - she was one of the more successful tattooed ladies - but once they went in, there was no going back.

The bond between sisters or between mother and daughter is the safest of all matching tattoos as relationships among family members are forever and the bond can never be broken. For sister's tattoos, go for tat images that remind you of your childhood days, like maybe fairies, dragonflies, or shooting stars. For mother and daughter matching tattoos, think of something that reflects that special bond you feel for each other. Whether it be a fish, a flower, a sea horse, or a stork maybe, as long as it's a design that you both love and has special meaning to you

Hridoy Ahmed
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