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4 Ways to Tell You Are Working with a Trusted Custom Home Builder in Phoenix

4 Ways to Tell You Are Working with a Trusted Custom Home Builder in Phoenix

Your home is your castle, so when it’s time to do some remodeling or repairs, or even to build something new, you want to be sure that you are using a trusted Phoenix custom home builder. The phone book is full of outfits claiming to be home builders. But, do you know you can trust them? How do you know that they have the proper training, credentialing, and insurance? Here are 4 ways you can be sure that you have a trusted Phoenix custom home builder on the job for you.

Check the Licenses and Permits

There are some tasks that are simply too dangerous to even attempt unless you are qualified. For example, stringing wiring may seem like a simple task, but the fact of the matter is that even a minor error could end up causing serious injury to you or your family, or the loss of your beloved home.

A trusted Phoenix custom home builder will have all the permits and licenses required by law. In contrast, some fly by night business that just throws up a website may employ “contractors” who have little or no training. They may put these “contractors” in a uniform shirt and hope that you never think to question what’s going on. This is dangerous and irresponsible.

Don’t Forget References

An established custom home builder is going to have a list of happy clients who can vouch for his or her character, work ethic, and skill. If the person who comes to your house or business cannot produce some references for past jobs, you should be very careful about proceeding. It’s true that everyone has to start somewhere, but you don’t want to chance hiring someone of an unknown skill level.

Is the Training Up to Date?

A legitimate home builder will have all the latest training in the newest methods used in his or her area of expertise. Check with the person you are thinking of using for your home. Is he or she trained in the latest developments? Or are you looking at someone who is using techniques from 20 years ago? The difference matters.

Member Associations

Many associations and guilds require that their members maintain a specific level of training and proficiency. Check to see what area builder’s organizations there are, and see whether the builder you are using is a member.

Hiring the right builder is very important. For more information, contact us at Luxury Home Remodeling Company. We’re here to help!

William David is the author of this Article. To know more about Custom Home Remodelers in Paradise Valley please visit the website

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