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hotel in ranthambore

Tiger Machan
hotel in ranthambore

Tiger Machan is a hotel in ranthambore situated right at the entrance of the ranthambore national park.

ranthambore resorts

Tiger Machan is a uniquely designed resort among resorts in Ranthambore to give you the most out of your wildlife tour. Tiger Machan takes hospitality to a new and higher level by giving you an experience of being in the lap of Mother Nature while having all your comforts taken care of.

resort in ranthambore 

Located in the heart of Ranthambore National Park; Tiger Machan is one of the best jungle resorts in Rajasthan. Ranthambore National Park surrounded by the stretches of dry deciduous forest, this jungle resort is an epitome of luxury amidst the wild.

Available types of rooms (for two adults, per night)

deluxe rooms ( Double Bed, Air Purifier, Room Service, Air Conditioning, Mineral Water, tv, Bathroom with Geyser/Water Heater, Sanitizers )

1.room only                                                     price ₹4500

2. room with breakfast                                          price  5500

3. room with breakfast lunch/ dinner                     price ₹ 6500  

4. room with breakfast lunch +dinner            price ₹ 7500

AC Swiss Tent (Double Bed, Room Service, Mineral Water, Bathroom, tv, Bathroom, Sanitizers, Mirror, Dining Table, Living Area )

1.room only                                                      price ₹4500

2. room with breakfast                                           price  5500

3. room with breakfast lunch/ dinner                    price ₹ 6500  

4. room with breakfast lunch +dinner                   price ₹ 7500

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Tiger Machan
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