Migraine is a disease that occurs in the autonomic nervous system as a result of dysfunction. Migraine is a disease that has been known since prehistoric times, and which constantly causes headaches in seizures. It will be important to separate migraine from many types of headaches. A migraine headache typically occurs as seizures, migraine is most severe in a few hours if initially untreated, migraine pain lasts 4-72 hours and ends spontaneously.
Migraine headaches start at any hour of the day, often in the morning hours. Migraine attacks can be accompanied by headache symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to light and sun, changes in the mood, various neurological changes such as loss of vision, drowsiness in certain areas, partial paralysis, spoiled speech.
There may be only neurological findings without headache, or migraine symptoms that manifest with nausea and vomiting. People with migraine headaches recognize factors that trigger or trigger this pain. Symptoms include migraine headaches such as bright light, periods of menstruation in women, changes in weather, extreme hunger, alcohol use, especially wine use, too much sleep, stress, some food consumption, or food additives.
Migraine headache treatment is more common in women than men. The reason for this is hormonal imbalance and the fact that women’s structures are sensitive and women are emotional. In addition, socio-economic conditions, obesity and unbalanced nutrition, and other factors affecting stress triggers migraine. Migraine occurs before the age of 40 in the majority of patients. People over 50 years old are unlikely to develop migraines. In females, it usually occurs in the middle ages.
Migraine Types:
Simple migraine: 75% of migraine patients have simple migraine. Migraine attacks occur without aura. Simple migraine is also called migraine. This symptom of migraine is more common in women. It forms a single or double-sided headache. The symptom of vomiting is the part.
Classic Migraine: Auric migraine attacks are common. 10% of migraine patients develop classical migraine. It starts with teenage years from childhood. The first migraine attack comes after the age of 40. Attacks take 2-5 hours. Sensitivity occurs in the visual field of the person. The patient can not feel the space. The only side of the head is pain. The vomiting associated with the nausea is accompanied by the indication.
Migraine headaches are some of the nervous symptoms that occur before the onset of the disease, often causing problems in the field of vision. Other types of migraine are rare. These:
Headache-free auric migraine: A person with a long-standing migraine with aura will have a headache over time and a decrease in headache.
Some migraines: Migraine symptoms are common, difficulty in building a sentence, dizziness, double vision, tinnitus formation and imbalance occur. Then migraine headache continues.
Hemiplegic Migraine: As both migraine with aura and muscular weakness occurs in all parts of the body, including in crows and legs, paralysis occurs. These symptoms continue during the migraine episode.
Status migraineurs: It is known as migraine attacks that last more than 3 days. Depending on the contraction of the muscles in the neck and shoulder, it occurs.
Retinal migraine: An eye disorder that occurs in conjunction with the headache. Shows signs for a short time. No findings are found on the eye examination.
Ophthalmoplegic migraine: Migraine is a type of migraine that develops due to paralysis in some of the nerves controlling head pain and eye movements.
Migraine Symptoms:
- Fatigue symptoms are constantly monitored,
- Being constantly uncomfortable with light and system,
- Pain symptoms in the muscles,
- The occurrence of nausea, constipation, and diarrhea,
- Signs of frequent thirst, frequent urination,
The appearance of uneasiness, sadness, etc., indicates that a migraine attack will occur.
Migraine is thought to have arisen as a result of changes in the brain blood vessels and chemical changes in the nervous system of the brain. The hormonal changes in women can be seen as causing migraine headaches. Genetically, the family is still working on hereditary properties.
There is a 40% chance of a migraine patient having a mother or father with a migraine. A person with migraine, both at home and at home, is likely to have migraine with 75%. Migraines are a type of headache that can be debilitating. You're not alone. Millions of people across the world suffer from headaches and migraines every year. Seek medical treatment for your migraines and ask your migraine specialist in Coimbatore where to find the best migraine headache treatment.