When should we start preparing the documents?
Once you take a decision of migrating to Canada alone or along with your family, you should be prepared to arrange all the documents in proper formats. This is why most of the applicants hire an ICCRC registered immigration consultancy to prepare and represent the application in CIC. Documentation Experts are professionals in submitting the correct documents at the correct time and format.
When the process starts majorly only Education documents are required to apply for an applicant’s Education Credential Assessment from the correct assessing body in the format set forth by the said authorities. Each assessing body has its own format of accepting applications that need to be studied thoroughly to be able to get the desired results. A positive ECA report is one of the most important and mandatory documents for taking your process to the next step.
Correct and accurate documentation is the key to a successful visa application because diverse documents are required at different stages of the Express Entry Program. Basically, all the documents required at different steps have a particular format that needs to be followed to get acceptance by the Canadian Government. Document checklist for express entry helps you to prepare all required documents for the express entry process. The documents are mainly proof to support the credibility of the popular six selection factors of Canada. For more details visit the link.