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Wanderers Craft Brewery

Wanderers Craft Brewery

You are in Bangalore and looking for a drink tonight, then make sure to visit Wanderers Craft Brewery!

Beer! That rhymes with Cheer! Yes…that’s what is beer brings to you! Cheer and Cheers!

Beer, as old as human civilisation is the third-largest consumed beverage after water and tea! Through the ages, beer has served several roles inter-twined with human history. Beer was a safer beverage than water; people were given beer instead of wages; it was a currency of exchange; and offering to Gods!

We are proud of centuries of tradition of brewing beer and we are committed and offer to you our Art & Pride in Craft Beer®, our valued patron!

Wanderers is the best brewery in town and even near you. Grab the best craft beer in Bangalore only at the Wanderers craft brewery. We not only serve drinks, but we are so much more than that. Get regional food at a very reasonable price.

Enjoy your best moments with your friends and family.

An evening on the rooftop rest-o-bar with craft beer, regional food and sunset is the complete package for you. So when are you planning to visit us?

Join us at Wanderers Craft Beer today!

Wanderers Craft Brewery Bangalore

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