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Sanitizing and Disinfecting Air Ducts

Mihail Ductpro

Air duct cleaning is the process of removing all wastes inside ductwork like dust, dirt, debris, dander, and pet and insect droppings. These harmful wastes contaminate your indoor air, endangering the health of your family. Aside from that, allergens and contaminants aggravate those with existing health problems like asthma and allergies. To eliminate these threats, an air duct cleaning will be necessary. But is cleaning enough?

Almost all air duct cleaning companies provide additional services like sanitizing and disinfecting the air ducts after cleaning. These other services are as important as cleaning. Many homeowners are content with the cleaning only, not knowing the benefits they can get from rendering these other services.

Why do we need air duct sanitizing and disinfecting?

Air ducts are good hiding places for pests and insects. These uninvited guests carry viruses and bacteria. They also litter the place with droppings. Imagine breathing the air contaminated with these harmful substances.

This is why sanitizing and disinfecting are important to keep your family safe. The process eliminates bacteria and viruses, removes unpleasant smells, and freshens the air you breathe.

Trustful Air Duct Cleaning Provider

Over more than 25 years of experience in the field of air duct cleaning, Sem’s experts have perfected their knowledge in order to provide high-quality service to each and every individual. We specialize in:

The buildings we serve vary from industrial spaces in Toronto and commercial spaces in Vaughan to business offices, gyms, hospitals, and universities.

When hiring Sem’s Duct Cleaning, you can be sure to receive the same quality of service on your first, second or tenth visit. Our reputation speaks for itself. Count on our professionals and, in turn, you will get a cleaner and healthier home whether you live in Richmond Hill or North York

Let Sem’s Duct Cleaning help improve your indoor air quality and allow your loved ones to enjoy the surrounding beauty and the breath of each coming season!

Mihail Ductpro
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