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How To Use Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator?

How To Use Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator?

If you want to find the best influencer for marketing then you should join hands with the influencer with the highest engagement rate.


Before you choose a social media influencer, you should know about the engagement rate of influencers. Here you need an Instagram Engagement Rate Calculator that will show how a social medic enthusiast in engaging his followers.


Let’s discuss the value of user engagement in social media marketing


What is the engagement rate?


It is a numerical figure showing how the viewers are engaging with the content posted by an influencer. And it is needless to say that the higher the engagement rate; the more reliable content creators are.


How to calculate the rate of engagement of influencers?


Count the number of likes and comments per post of an opinion-maker and divide the number of likes and comments with the number of followers. The result achieved is the rate of engagement for that opinion-maker. For example, if you divide 10 likes and comments with 100, you get 10 which is a high and impressive rate. This calculation could provide great help in finding the right KOL solution.


If 10 out of 100 followers of an influencer are engaging with your brand, you can rest assured of great exposure. Depending on the number of followers, this rate could be between 5-6% and it is excellent. Your objective is to find the opinion-maker that can involve more followers or potential customers with your brand.


Why is the engagement rate important for influencer marketing?


It is important to check the rate of engagement of influencers before hiring one of them because it shows how their content works. They are content creators and they claim to involve millions of people with their content. They make videos, click pictures, and comment on posts. An Instagram engagement rate calculator will show how an influencer interacts with his followers.


Before you go and calculate the likes and comments of an opinion-maker, you should check the followers of the influencer. And you will be surprised to know that some content creators are infamous for inflating the number of their followers. They want to show that they can engage more viewers than others and to achieve this objective they add fake followers to their accounts.


If you want to get a reliable KOL solution then you should look at all important factors associated with influencer marketing. Here an influencer agency could provide help. The agency will do all the groundwork including doing a follower check and calculating the rate of engagement of influencers so you can choose the best.

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