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Canada visa online : Expatriation allows you to discover a culture and a way of life different from those of your country of origin. Canada, which attracts many candidates for expatriation, has set up a simplified visa application for French candidates.

What are the documents required to obtain a Canadian visa?

People holding a passport issued by a member country of the European Union do not need a visa to go to Canada provided that the stay lasts less than six months. All you have to do is complete the eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization), which costs seven Canadian dollars. In the case of expatriation (work, studies), several documents will be requested in order to be able to study the visa application: the duly completed application form, a valid identity document, proof of address, proof of resources (otherwise said, proof that the candidate has the necessary funds to meet his needs when settling in: savings account statement, account history, bank certificate, etc.), but also the reason for the stay (proof of registration at a school or higher education institution.

What is the cost of the visa for Canada?

The price of the visa for Canada varies according to the visa requested (studies, open work permit, etc.), but generally reaches several hundred Canadian dollars. For your information, a visa application for an open (unrestricted) work permit is around a hundred Canadian dollars. It should be noted that the advertised price is valid for one person only. If a couple wishes to immigrate to Canada, each will have to pay the visa fee, which is individual.

How to apply for a visa for Canada?

Once the documents have been collected, in particular, the employment contract of the future employer or the certificate of registration in a school (for long-stay visas), the visa application for Canada is made directly online on the website of the immigration, which includes all the information necessary for the proper constitution of the visa application file (different stages, documents requested, etc.).

Canada visa application form

Before obtaining a visa application form for Canada, it is necessary to answer a number of questions on the Canadian immigration website. Once this information has been completed (nature of the visa requested, reasons for immigration), the candidate obtains an application kit that indicates all the documents to be collected as well as all the steps to be taken online to complete the visa application. Visa. In particular, he will be able to retrieve the visa application form, complete it, and return it to the Canadian immigration services.

How long is the electronic Canada Visa valid for?

Do you need a visa to enter and stay in Canadian territory? Here are the essentials of the Canada eTA:

·        Valid for Multiple entries into the country.

·        Duration of 6 months per entry to visit Canada (180 days maximum).

·        The validity of the Canada visa application online is 5 years with multiple entries. For any visa extension, contact the French Embassy in Canada.

If you plan to travel several times to Canada (maximum 6 months per trip) during this period of validity, check that the expiration of your passport is more than 6 months. If you change your passport, you must reapply for an eTA.

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