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What is Digital Health ID Card

What is Digital Health ID Card

The India Government has launched the “Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission” to offer a digital health card to people for their betterment. These ID cards will contain all imperative health records of customers. These health ID cards will be rolled out with the National Health Authority (NHA) to celebrate the third anniversary of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (ABPM-JAY). That’s why these digital health cards are also known as Ayushman cards.

These national health ID cards will make internal operations convenient and hassle-free. The key component of PM-DHM is a unique Health ID. This ID is a 14-digit unique health identification number for every Indian citizen. This id will also act as a health account. The national Health ID will store all necessary health information of a person. With the consent of an individual, this digital health card will be accessed, and it also allows the exchange of individuals’ health records.

This digital health account will possess the details of every test, every ailment, the doctor’s visit, what medications are taken, and an individual’s diagnosis. Since this card is portable and easily accessible, hence this information is advantageous even if the patient migrates to a new place or consults a new doctor.

This Swasthya card is issued based on a person’s basic details along with his/her mobile number or Aadhaar number. This card can be linked to the personal details of an individual. You can view it with the help of a mobile application, a Healthcare Professionals Registry (HPR), and Healthcare Facilities Registries (HFR).

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