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What Factors Affect the Value of Your Injury Claim?

What Factors Affect the Value of Your Injury Claim?

If you’ve recently filed for a personal injury case, the first thing you will ask your Best injury lawyer in Coquitlam bc is, “how much is my claim worth?” Isn’t it? Your lawyer cannot tell you a definite amount as every case is different, and many factors determine the damages, their severity and value.

Typically, the multiplier formula decides the value of your personal injury claim- adding up all the economic damages you have suffered and applying a multiplier (ranging from 1 to 5) to establish an approximate value of the injury.

Following are the several factors that can affect your personal injury settlement:

Factors That Lead to a High Multiplier

  • Injury to hard tissues of the body or any broken bones
  • Severe injury to the head, spine, and nerves
  • Severe joint injury that might require reconstruction or surgery
  • Medical expenses, including medical treatments, hospital visits, short-term or long-term medications, several follow up appointments
  • Permanent injury, including scars, weakness, stiffness, or loss of mobility
  • Long-term recovery period
  • Injury that causes daily life disruptions such as missing work, school, recreational activities etc.
  • Injury that causes dependence on others
  • Emotional distress due to the injury

Factors That Lead to a Low Multiplier

  • Injury to soft tissues of the body, including muscles strains, sprains, bruising, and ligament pulls
  • Medical diagnosis expenses rather than medical treatment expenses
  • Need of chiropractors or physical therapists instead of doctors
  • No medication expenses
  • Short-term recovery period
  • No permanent injury or loss of any body part or function
  • No permanent disfigurement
  • No assistance is required from others
  • No emotional distress due to the injury

Some Other Factors

These aren’t the only things that determine the value of your injury settlement. After considering the multipliers, your lawyer and the opposing party will look into the strengths and weaknesses of your case.

If you have a strong case, chances are you’ll get a higher settlement. Factors that strengthen your claim are:

  • The accident was not your fault
  • Presence of credible witnesses that support your claim
  • The other party does not show any remorse or sympathy
  • Your professionalism during the claiming and settlement process

But if there are some loopholes and weak points in your cases, you’ll probably get a lower settlement. Factors that weaken your claim are:

  • The accident was partially your fault, also known as contributory fault
  • Lack of credible witnesses that support your claim
  • The other party shows guilt and sympathy
  • Your impatience and disorganization during the claiming and settlement process

How Can Learn Zenk Help?

If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer in Coquitlam, Learn Zenk Barristers & Solicitors are ready to guide you. They have a team of skilled and experienced attorneys who will help you understand the intricacies of your case, offering you clear directions and suggestions.

Jude Martin is the author of this article. To know more about Family Law in Coquitlam please visit our website: learnzenk.com

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