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Chess academy in Noida

Chess academy in Noida

Sparkling Chess Academy is run by international rated players. We have a long journey of success because of our commitments, dedication and love for the game of chess. We believe in “practice makes men perfect” that’s why we are running our chess academy all seven days. Our main objectives are to bring out our student’s full potential and his/her all round development. We have chess academy in Delhi, Noida & Faridabad.

Become a Member

By becoming a member of the sparkling academy, you will have access to our practice sessions, competitions as well as online Resources.


We at Sparkling Academy offer you several courses according to your level whether your level is of a beginner, more Intermediate, or advanced.

Online Chess Classes

Sparkling Academy also provides online classes for players who want to learn chess in the comforts of their home as we have well-reputed instructors.

Chess academy in Delhi

Chess for


In this course, newbies will be able to learn all the rules of the game, including special moves. Our instructors will teach you the basics of the game lesson by lesson.

Chess academy in Delhi

Chess for


Obtain the knowledge you need to increase your understanding of playing chess and accomplish the level of advanced level with our course for intermediate level.

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Chess For


Improve your prophylactic thinking and defense with our course created for the advanced level of players.

chess pieces

Champions strategies

Master the game of chess as we at Sparkling Academy will teach you the best strategies of becoming a champion. Don't just trust our words, you can see the list of our numerous students who won many high-level competitions.

Chess academy in Delhi

Learn Basics of Chess

Learn how to play chess utilizing our beginner’s program, from basic moves to en passant and castling.

chess pieces

Online Chess

Sparkling Academy will help you become better at online chess. We have various training tools that will teach you about the plans, tactics, and endgame.

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