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Ignou 35 Convocation Online Registration

kris martin

Convocation is a formal assembly of professors as well as students, where degrees are awarded on the student. Faculty members and the university authorities are attired in formal wear and students receive their degrees. Here we will give you full information regarding the Ignou 35 Convocation Online Registration.

Every year of February/March/April, IGNOU holds its annual Convocation ceremony.

Live transmission of the main event from the HQs is watched by all the learners and regional centers of Ignou. The Regional Convocation commences following the main function at IGNOU Headquarters is completed.

It is the job of the SED department known as the student evaluation division to inform all learners who are eligible to be a part of the convocation ceremony. The cost to be paid in order to receive the degree certificates. The degree changes every now and then. If any student is not able to join the convocation due to any issue they have the option of receiving their degree via post. Every regional center receives degree certificates from SED on behalf of qualified learners in the region.

The student has paid the fee online for their degree, It is the job of the regional center to provide the degree to students. On the day of convocation, only the paid degrees are delivered to the venue which needs to be distributed among those who are eligible.

The students are informed by the regional center of their choice to attend the function. They also inform them of the specific dates, times, place of the event, chief guest at the event, and so on. One important thing is at the venue of convocation students need to pay a certain small amount for the scarf as a security deposit. The security deposit is returned to the learner after they’ve returned their convocation scarf once the ceremony is finished.

Ignou 35 Convocation Online Registration 2022

It is clear that a large number of learners are waiting for their next IGNOU convocation to receive their original degrees at the institution. Ignou will shortly begin collecting online applications to get the degree certificate of students who have completed their diploma and degree classes in this session. The convocation registration process is accessible through the online process only. Candidates are required to pay fees only through the online method. IGNOU Convocation expected to date is also announced by the university.


kris martin
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