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Toilet Squatty Step Stool

Toilet Squatty Step Stool

Toilet Squatty Step Stool | Perfect Posture Plastic Squat Potty Toilet Stool | for Western Toilets Scientific Angle | Relieves Constipation | Anti-Slip | Piles Relief |Bathroom Step Up Stool. high quality Toilet Squatty Step Stool and that used all people for health benefits and its Environmentally friendly material.

SQUATTY TOILET STOOL: Our design encourages a healthy squatting position so that you can enjoy a healthier and more comfortable life. Also you can return to the more natural squatted position, while still enjoying the comfort and hygiene of a modern toilet. best for the elderly, adults, pregnant women, people suffering from constipation, and so on.

STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM: Our intestine is the center of our immune system, which protects us from viruses as well as harmful bacteria. A healthy bowel will reduce the risk of infection.

RELAXES MUSCLES: The Squat Stool Helps You To Eliminate Faster And More Complete By Putting Your Body Into A Natural Squatting Position Over Your Own Toilet. The colon is opened by going to the bathroom. Squatting toilet posture relaxes the muscles totally, allowing the colon to empty swiftly and thoroughly.

BENIFIT: Helps promote better health, greater comfort, and more energy Sturdy, ergonomic design Easy to use and highly effective in positioning the colon for effortless bowel movements Provides relief from constipation and bloating, hemorrhoids and straining, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), and pelvic floor and bladder issues.

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