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IEC Registration | IEC Code - Apply For Import Export Code Online

Shivendra Kumar
IEC Registration | IEC Code - Apply For Import Export Code Online

We make IEC registration hassle-free to ensure customer satisfaction. Click here to know all about how to apply for an import-export code or IEC Code. Get your import-export code ( IEC ) registration online. Since 2013, JR Compliance has been providing 360-degree compliance services to startups, firms, and establishments with the motive to make compliance services unchallenging for everyone.

Because the Government of India has established several parameters to ensure the safety of the final consumers, including providing high-quality products to the consumer. That includes completing the prerequisites to survive in a competitive environment because these prerequisites act as fundamental factors that help an establishment to grow and develop.

Be it BIS, BEE, TEC, AERB, FSSAI, including Company Registration, Private Company Registration, OPC, NGO, and any other corporate compliance service and business registration, we are equipped with all the resources and experts to provide reliable and competent compliance services, including global services. 

That’s why we will be responsible for following the systematic registration process, including filing the registration form, documentation, testing (if required), inspection (if required), and coordinating with the authorities for proper follow-up and acknowledgment - we have got everything covered.

Shivendra Kumar
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