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Buying Straight Rye Whisky- Check Out The Below Points:

Coopers Town Distillery
Buying Straight Rye Whisky- Check Out The Below Points:

Buying rye whisky is an exciting time for whiskey enthusiasts, or you can say the rye whisky drinker. From every point of the country, liquor needs your attention when you add it to your routine. It can be quite dizzying while making a choice for the one option, but it could become easier if you are aware of the few main points. 

In order to buy the right and high-quality straight rye whisky, it is important for you to have the basic knowledge and information, and in this write-up, we have gathered some of those important factors. Read on. 

Read The Label: 

The bigger mistake folks usually make while choosing Straight Rye Whiskey is not making the right Distillery Tours near their place. They just enter the distillery and pick the one with a branded name or the most marketed one. However, when buying straight rye whiskey, it is important to pay attention to the details on the label of the bottle. The name and the shape of the bottle sometimes distract the buyers from the actual facts. This is the reason you must read the label to understand how the whisky is made and what sort of ingredients are in it. 

“Note: Sometimes, the label can be misleading and can give you an awful experience. For example- the label could show “made by” or “produced by,” but the liquid inside the bottle could still be sourced from the local vendors.”

Here the only way to know that it actually came from the trustworthy and reliable distillery is if the label shows the word “Distilled by”. It can be quite tricky but important to understand. 

Do Not Avoid Sourced Whisky:

Moving on, many times, you come across the Straight Rye Whisky that might be sourced, but it does not mean that it is not worth your time. People usually make a common mistake by ignoring sourced whisky; however, many times, these whiskies have been supplying some strong bourbon on the market.

Consider A Whisky Proof:

Takings whisky proof is one of the important things you must consider while buying straight rye whisky, especially when you are a beginner drinker. The new drinkers usually start with lower proof bourbon- one that is in the 80-92 ish proof range. It is because this range contains a lower amount of alcohol that does not provide strong effects on the drinker. 

“Note: At 80ish range, the whisky is quite sweeter and easier to drink. However, when it goes above – 115 –proof range, then it will give an intense spice and strong taste.”

This is the reason, knowing the proof of the whisky could help you get the right straight rye whisky as per your needs and capability to manage the liquid. Here, we will recommend you invest some time in research and then choose the better option. Do not make your choice depending on other’s recommendations.

Coopers Town Distillery
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