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Discontinued parts- a bad fit or still good?

World Parts Direct
Discontinued parts- a bad fit or still good?

There are ongoing lists of discontinued and obsolete parts that dealers have made. These parts still fit and work on older cars and in some instances new vehicles. Some “experts” will tell you that Product Life cycle management dictates when parts need to be replaced by newer versions. They are right sometimes, but that isn’t the case 100% of the time. More often than not, the parts are interchangeable and they are still genuine parts from the manufacturer. The older parts just aren’t pushed by car manufacturers any longer because someone out there wants newly made parts sold and sitting on shelves. You aren’t the only one who has wondered why a car part is so expensive at the dealership and yet an older part number which does the same thing can be found for less. World Parts Direct has access to all of these new and old parts. If we can’t find a part, no one can. We dig deep to locate these hard to find parts sometimes finding the only ones available in the country. Other parts dealers will not make the extra steps to locate and get these. Many of these older part are preferred by customers because the older one was built to a higher standard than the new part number. The newer part may be the one that was out sourced and built in China. Some may scoff at this saying they only want the new car part numbers on their vehicle which is great for the manufacturer. They would love it if all their customers only bought the newest part numbers, but then how would older models be fixed up and restored all time? Trust us, they aren’t just going out and buying a new vehicle or listening to their dealerships.

World Parts Direct
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