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HVAC industry: surviving your slow season in 2022

Eworks Manager
HVAC industry: surviving your slow season in 2022

HVAC is a seasonal business, so while you may not be able to keep up with the demand for your services in summer and winter, there will always be a quiet period. But even when business is slow, you can find ways to increase revenue and use the time productively to plan for your next busy season.


Start preparing for your busy season

With extra time on your hands, use your slow season to prepare for your peak season. Hire and train new staff during this period, so they're ready to take on jobs later in the year. With a team of knowledgeable technicians, you can start the next season successfully. It's also a chance to upskill your current employees and send them on training courses. Take the opportunity to create special offers and early bird deals for services popular during summer and winter. You could also focus on asset maintenance, a time-consuming and challenging task to complete when your team is in the field. Schedule maintenance jobs during your slow season to prepare your equipment for the rest of the year. 


Review your marketing strategy

If you don't always have time to focus on marketing, use your slow season to review your marketing strategy and create a plan to achieve your goals for the year. Decide how you're going to use email marketing, social media, and your website to reach your audience and generate leads. Use social media to promote preventative maintenance to encourage clients to book service or maintenance checks, share blogs on your website with helpful information for customers, and use email marketing to boost brand awareness. As soon as summer or winter approaches, customers will know who to call when they need an HVAC expert.


Promote preventative maintenance

Create service and maintenance plans for customers to boost revenue during your slow season. As services are beneficial for customers, it will be easy to persuade them to purchase these plans. Start promoting service and maintenance plans just before the end of summer or winter to remind customers how important maintenance is during autumn and spring. You could also offer discounts or free services for people who buy your plans. Promote the benefits of preventative maintenance leading up to your slow season to encourage clients to book service and maintenance jobs in-between summer and winter.


Use HVAC Software to manage your recurring maintenance jobs

Maintenance will be your priority during your slow season, so use HVAC Software to create and schedule recurring maintenance jobs to avoid creating them manually. With HVAC Software, you can set jobs to recur daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly, and the job will automatically be added to the system. The software will also be a valuable tool during your busy season. You can schedule appointments, manage your team's diaries online, generate quotes and invoices from the system, and track your assets to ensure all equipment is either in the field or in storage, ready for the next job.

Eworks Manager
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