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Difference between a car wash and detailing!

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Difference between a car wash and detailing!

Automotive detailing is an improved version of a regular car wash. It's a more thorough process that can go beyond a car wash in cleaning, correcting, and protecting your investment. A car detailing service focused not only on deep cleaning, but also on light cosmetic paint restoration and high-tech protective coatings. While washing your vehicle every week or so is important, car detailing is a special event to rejuvenate your ride and keep it looking good. The description of the car is a cut above.

Professional detailing can involve more than a car wash, but it starts with one. In many cases, the washing phase of the detailing is also significantly higher than a normal car wash. Some detail services will rely on the automatic car wash for the first washing phase; Others wash their car by hand - the preferred and most effective method. Of course, what a detailer can do in a professional shop is different from what most car owners can accomplish at a car wash in the driveway. To start, a fitter will carefully clean all exterior surfaces of your vehicle, including the engine compartment, doors and trunk pillars, wheel wells and underbody. Pollutants such as bird droppings, bug residues and road tar are targeted with specialised chemicals. The same thing happens with sticky brake dust on your alloy wheels. Every surface, nook and cranny of your car is addressed.

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