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The Philippines Among Top IT Offshoring Leaders Worldwide

Dine Manalo
The Philippines Among Top IT Offshoring Leaders Worldwide

The outsourcing of IT services is in in high demand now more than ever as the landscape of business changes towards a more global, digital strategy.

It is rapidly moving towards digitaltechnology, long before the outbreak of Covid-19 and the realization that home-based setups can produce positive results. Today, the primary goal of any established business is to shift its operations into electronic channels. Startups are taking a different approach and are becoming completely independent from the start. Each company will be able to come up with their own way of digitalization, but all paths will be linked in one area until the final.

Every business requires an efficient IT department to help support the digitalization. The IT specialists will integrate the tools and software that your business needs to be modern and technologically advanced. However, establishing an internal IT department can be costly, time-consuming, and disruptive and ineffective within a highly competitive business context. This is the reason IT offshoring is a popular alternative for businesses of any size and form.

Due to the growing need for IT offshoring, the top nations in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) as well as offshoring are investing hugely in expanding their IT-BPO departments. The Philippines is recognized as"the" BPO Capital of the World is one of the top nations in this area.

What can it do to be beneficial in today's business environment

The need for IT-related processes and infrastructure shouldn't come as an issue, especially as the world moves toward digitalization. It's difficult to find individuals without smartphones or various electronic gadgets. Everyone uses laptops, tablets, smartphones laptops, laptops, and tablets for everything since it's easy to use them in current times. The transition to relying on electronic channels and devices has impacted businesses. Digitalization provides a lot of ease to organizations and their everyday operations. Employees are able to enjoy less stress-inducing workloads due to the automation capabilities that digital tools and programs offer. However the internal processes of their organizations aren't the only ones to benefit from the digital revolution. With the advancement of their tools, devices and software improve, so are their apps.

Digitalization is a method to boost globalization, which allows businesses to reach out to customers across the globe. It's easier to reach out to people due to the internet-based channels like the internet, social networks, and websites too. Global expansion is possible even if your business remains focused on local markets.

A department of IT within a company is responsible for ensuring its digital infrastructure functions seamlessly and facilitates quicker processing of information and data through computers. Establishing an internal IT department is a crucial step towards businesses operating with this in mind.

HTML0 The advantages of IT offshoring make it a desirable choice due to the following factors:


Outsourcing and offshoring solutions are known for their cost-saving benefits. Companies must remain cost-effective by making sure they have room in their budgets for expansion plans and growth projects. Outsourcing IT functions can help companies reduce costs on nearly everything required by the department. Hiring and recruiting in-house IT experts can result in huge cost of labor. Equipment and tools required by the IT department could take up a substantial amount of money. IT offshoring allows corporations to cut down on up to 70% of IT-related costs, including the benefits and salary of professionals package.

access to Global Talent

If you're having no issue committing funds to local IT experts, the labor market could be a problem. IT specialists are highly sought-after all over the world, particularly in countries that are business-friendly. But, this can result in higher costs for labor which puts many small - and medium-sized businesses in a difficult position. Additionally, established companies are expanding their IT departments and bringing new talent to local labor markets. The end result is that the shortage of skilled workers can be a serious danger to businesses. IT offshoring can allow companies to increase their recruiting efforts and reach out to areas of the globe where there is a lot of talent and at a less expensive cost.

The Major First Step to the right Direction Digitalization and Globalization

Offshoring IT affects both parts differently than internal IT departments do not. The role of the IT department is to assist companies in thriving by leveraging technology. This helps the IT department in making a impression across the globe. Offshoring's main goal is to establish an operational division in another country for your business and ensure that all operations and communications are carried out online. Additionally globalization is a simpler target to attain with the offshore team having a presence in a market outside of your home.

The advantages of these provide IT outsourcing as an beneficial option than hiring employees internally. But, there is still the question of how to set up the IT off-shore group. Among the many countries that provide BPO services, the Philippines is expanding rapidly in the field of IT.

The Philippines" Steps to improve the IT-BPO sector

The Philippines is one of the leading nations in the world for offshoring solutions that are high-quality. The huge BPO sector is among the most important economic pillars of the country that provides more than 1.3 million positions for Philippine professionals, as well as more than 30 billion of annual economic output. There are numerous branches of the Philippines and the growing BPO industry. One is specialized in offering foreign clients offshore teams that work on IT.

The IT-BPM industry ranks the Philippines at the top of the world for voice-related services , and has 13.5% of market shares. In 2020 the Philippine IT-BPM market was valued at $26.7 billion in revenue. All this was accomplished despite the challenges of the pandemic that is spreading across the globe and the Philippines being more affected by the disease than other nations.

However , the Philippines made significant progress in March 2022. Companies and stakeholders within the IT-BPM industry offer their support to the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) to sustain the slowed economic zone development within Metro Manila. Should the ban be lifted, BPOs can set up offices in PEZA-accredited facilities . This will increase rural development and offer additional space to expand and grow BPO businesses. Foreign clients benefit from the establishment of businesses and infrastructure.

The Philippines is close to putting an end to the threat of the Covid-19 virus within its borders. Federal authorities has recently placed Metro Manila and 38 other cities under alert Level 1. This is the most flexible restriction since the outbreak began. Federal government officials have always been active and vocal in its support of the BPO business. BPO businesses can request employees to return to their workplaces in order to enhance the quality of services provided to customers as well as strategies and methods used in the course of the epidemic. The latest advancements make IT offshoring to the Philippines an ideal solution to ensure the long-term security of customers.


The belief is that the Philippines' BPO industry is poised to explode after a lengthy period of the strict pandemic lockdowns. IT-based BPM for instance, has already started to rise in the rankings despite the restrictions. It is essential that clients work with the right offshoring firm for the best solution that will yield effective outcomes.

iSupport Worldwide is one of the leading offshoring companies in the Philippines. Its 17 years of outstanding service has resulted in significant expansion and growth that has allowed it to prosper despite the scourge of HIV/AIDS.

If you're in need of IT outsourcing services or products that are not available elsewhere, you can arrange a first meeting with us to discuss the possibility of establishing an office offshore in the Philippines. Do you need to set up the IT offshore office and team quickly? We can get it done in just thirty days! We'll discuss!

Dine Manalo
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