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For many years I have been campaigning to end closed poultry farming by writing letters. I have five hens myself, two of which are commercial hens and one of them once lived in commercial cages. They are amazing animals to be around. Breeding my hens and previous knowledge has made me determined to improve the way they are raised for trade. I found out that Tesco is one of the few supermarkets that still sells frozen chicken eggs. After trying to eliminate this with my book writing I have found that one person’s written ideas create a little impact on a company like Tesco. However, I believe that with the help of like-minded people on social media, we can make Tesco listen and create an impact. Food production affects everyone. Very few of us, however, know the truth behind the processes that lead to food being sold in our stores. A prime example of this is the egg production industry. Most of the eggs we sell in stores come from chickens stored in “rich cages”. Circumstances in these "rich cages" are crowded and very restrictive. Hens do not see the light of day or experience life in a natural way. Moreover, chickens can never find the real outside world. I believe it is an important factor for a hen to live a happy and healthy life. These egg-growing methods are cruel, unnatural, and inhuman. Tesco is one of the largest supermarket chains in the country. If it stops selling cage eggs it can significantly reduce the number of hens spending their lives in cages. It will also send a message to other supermarkets that this is a realistic and affordable option. Companies like Sainsbury's, Marks & Spencer, and Waitrose have stopped selling frozen chicken eggs over the years and new companies are listening to the public and realizing that something needs to change - McDonald's UK recently responded to a petition and agreed to stop using poultry eggs. hens. Please sign this petition and take the first steps toward freeing the hens.

The Treasury Department has vowed to abolish the outdated and sexually explicit tax on tampons, sanitary pads, and moon cups in January 2016. WIN! In March we made history when Parliament approved a tax-free amendment proposed by the incredible Member of Parliament Paula Sherriff. Following the Brexit crisis, the amendment will be implemented in 2022 soon. That's incredible. But we are upon you! We have launched a new project called 'Period Watch' to keep an eye on Government and INCLUDE a time limit yet! Our new petition can be signed here to help reduce this deadline. Time! We need to make sure that we do not leave tax-time products on luxurious, “non-essential” domains, but not helicopters, maintenance of our private jets, or crocodile stakes. Even President Obama has called for a 'shocking' and 'wrong' tax. If you appreciate the performance of menstruating at least as you enjoy your flying crocodile on Friday sign up for our petition and join our campaign. Help to end the cultural stigma associated with women by demanding zero taxes on hygiene products. Times are not a luxury. You can 'get in' over-working. You cannot choose to menstruate. Despite this, a lot of evil is created for those who do it. Failure to use hygiene products can lead to health risks, endanger a normal, professional, or personal life, and cause public ridicule. Equally, through the use of hygiene products, our Government is using expressions of disrespect for women and the shame of time that has caused us to fear our menstrual cycles. It is a two-edged sword that cuts off women on both sides. The distribution of taxes should reflect the needs of the community as a whole, as well as the needs of those who are menstruating and those who are not. Because we care about these people, this campaign is designed to support the tax distribution they represent and highlight something important. Philip Hammond, hygiene products should be included in your list of essential, tax-free products, including "helicopters" (as well as "aircraft maintenance and maintenance"), "alcohol jars", and "exterior meat including crocodile and kangaroo". While we can live without flying our own private helicopters, we cannot survive without the public participation of those who are menstruating, which depends on access to hygiene products. We hope you support and join our campaign!

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