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Retail Business Services (RBS) Solution | Retail Business Solution - Wipro

Retail Business Services (RBS) Solution | Retail Business Solution - Wipro

From overseeing site operations to addressing outages and responding to business problems, managing retail sites involves a lot of work. If you’re looking to optimize operations while reducing costs, we have the solution.

Wipro’s retail site operations management solution -- Retail Business Services (RBS) -- is built to improve quality and deliver efficiency. With our lean solution, Wipro manages your end-to-end retail operations, devices, and services, all while providing these components: Wipro streamlines problem solving with a single-point contact for all difficulties encountered at your retail sites. Support teams can be reached via phone, email, chat, and digital channels such as phone apps. Our advanced tooling can resolve most problems remotely, but we also provide on-site support for advanced problems.  Wipro offers quality control for changes made to your retail site landscape by holistically testing every change in its QA labs to avoid surprises in the live environment.  Wipro can also manage adjacent site services such as loyalty and campaign support services. Loyalty points and coupons are increasingly used to make full or partial payments, and we can manage these processes for you.

With Retail Business Services (RBS), Wipro acts as a ‘service integrator’ for your retail site services, including managing contracts with other suppliers and setting up SLAs built to meet your business needs and bring predictability to your operations. Best of all, we accomplish all of this at significantly lower costs than you’re currently paying Energy organizations facing market volatility, digital disruptions, and global economic shifts can rely on Wipro’s oil and gas business solutions to deliver innovative new ways of operating. As energy companies seek to reshape their businesses, our industry and technology experts lead the digital transformations needed to integrate previously siloed data and adopt cloud platforms and cloud-native capabilities. We help companies accelerate the delivery of business value through agile product and service models that streamline operations, improve efficiency, and lead to greater productivity and reliability. With these models in place, Wipro can enable energy enterprises to stay competitive and resilient in a dynamic industry by unifying data from disparate systems, unlocking new operational insights, and managing complex technology landscapes. Leveraging our oil and gas consultancy services, our global teams deliver oil and gas IT solutions that result in modernized industry processes and seamless user experiences while helping build a sustainable future.

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