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What is Salesforce CPQ? Pricing and Features

What is Salesforce CPQ? Pricing and Features

Due to the fact that the functionality and requirements of businesses vary significantly, the same set of settings does not apply to all firms.

When it becomes necessary to customize a product to meet a certain requirement, a dependable CPQ (Configure, Price, and Quote) platform comes into play.

Salesforce CPQ Implementation is largely regarded as one of the best CPQ systems on the market because of its speed and accuracy.

 Salesforce CPQ is a price quote solution that is native to the Salesforce platform and can be used to configure price estimates. With built-in features like Guided Selling and Pricing and Discount Schedules, it provides automated sales quotations.

However, it's not only this definition that's relevant. Whatever the strategy, it gives your sales staff a lot more capability and adaptability.

Without ever leaving Salesforce, it simplifies the whole quoting process, brings together previously disjointed internal teams, and saves valuable time all while generating accurate and fast quotations

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