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Why do you need crowns on your teeth?

Why do you need crowns on your teeth?

Your smile says "hi" to the rest of the world. You might not want to smile if your teeth are misaligned, decaying, damaged, or discolored. A dental crown is one of the most often used modern dental restorative procedures. It also plays a vital role in many dental operations.

Dental crowns have numerous advantages, such as they can restore a tooth's appearance and functionality and protecting the structure above the gum line. But you must consult with the Dentist in Kolkata to determine whether this restoration technique is appropriate for you.

What is a dental crown?

Teeth can be damaged over time. It can occur due to many factors such as traumas, tooth decay, or use over time. A dental crown is a type of treatment that is frequently used to restore damaged or broken teeth. They can also be a successful treatment for decaying teeth that cannot be repaired with regular fillings. A dental crown is a custom-fitted protective covering for the top of a damaged tooth. It is glued onto your tooth and covers the visible section of it. The crowns help to hold the tooth together, keep the tooth secure from bacterial infections and prevent future damage by encasing the entire tooth. It also reshapes, strengthens, and beautifies the tooth.

Why do you need dental crowns?

  • After root canal treatment, the tissue in the tooth will dry out and become brittle. So, the dentist fills the space and covers it with a crown to provide better support to the treated tooth. It prevents cracks and future damage to the tooth.
  • The dental crown prevents a weak tooth from breaking or holds a weak tooth together if sections of it are fractured.
  • When you lose a tooth, the dental crown secures and supports your dental bridge, allowing you to smile, speak and chew normally.
  • Crown covers and supports a tooth with a massive filling and little tooth remaining.

Do you want to know if a dental crown is the best option for you? Call TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic or come in during office hours to consult with the dental experts. You can also visit their website to arrange an appointment online.

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