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Why is SEO an Important Element of Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

Ghan Bavadiya
Why is SEO an Important Element of Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

If you have spent the last few years working on a website, you probably have a little idea of ​​the importance of SEO Melbourne. This area has become a cornerstone of digital marketing, in fact for many businesses all marketing, success online often depends on your ability to rank your website.

Compare SEO with PPC, email, social media marketing or any other channel, especially looking only at digital marketing. Where does SEO fit in and is it really important? In this post we will talk about SEO, what it is and what its benefits are. We will also talk about its place in your digital marketing strategy and where you should prioritize SEO in your marketing plan.

Importance of SEO in digital marketing

Without SEO Melbourne, your website will struggle to get the traffic your business needs to survive. If customers don’t get the website, sales won’t happen, and the platform will be ruined. Of course, with the range of benefits that come from investing your time and money in improving your SEO, it goes a long way.

In a study published on Search Engine Land, marketers found that an average of 51% of website visitors find them through organic means. So organic traffic, driven by SEO, was more important than paid search (PPC), which commands an average of 10% or social media only 5%.

SEO is your most important digital channel

No matter what industry or region you are in, organic traffic brings the most traffic to your site. SEO is the most important of all digital channels because it affects the largest volumes. If you have a 10% improvement in both your paid search and organic search, will it have more impact? There are many more benefits to improving your SEO Melbourne. Here are some more reasons why SEO is so important and should be the primary digital marketing channel you invest in.

Ghan Bavadiya
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