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Become an expert in sailing with our adept team of instructors.

Jose Kathryn

Sailing in sea water is dangerous if you are naive but the journey becomes so much enjoyable and thrilling once you become adept in sailing. It is one of the most adventurous sports the world has ever witnessed. The speed of wind, the sunburn on your face , the adrenaline rush, the flexibility and freedom from chaos are the most enjoyable feelings that you can experience in sailing. However, finding a good tutor to learn all these skills is the most complex and tedious task. Hence, we are here to relieve you from such misery.

Biscayne Bay Academy is a locally owned and operated sailing tutorial that helps people to sharpen their skills of sailing. With the help of our award winning instructors we are able to help our students to gain confidence in riding roaring sea waters. With over experience of 20 years we are able to produce many experienced and talented sailors. Hence, we are recognised as renowned in this field of work. We teach ASA 101 Basic Keelboat sailing, ASA 103 Coastal Cruising and ASA 104 Bareboat certifications, as well as ASA 114 Cruising catamaran and ASA 105 Coastal Navigation and many more. You can avail many courses like ASA 114 cruising catamaran classes, sailboat classes and much more.

To facilitate you contacting us we too have an online portal that is easy to use and provides lucid information about our courses and enables you to contact us as soon as possible. To avail the best sailing course in Florida contact us and make sure to visit us online at http://www.sailventuresinc.com/

Jose Kathryn
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