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Understanding Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act

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Understanding Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act

Understanding Enforcement Rules of the Customs Act. Custom laws referred to the set of rules and regulations that are aimed to manage and control the imports of products and goods into the United States as well as the customs duties paid on such goods. The regulatory authority primarily assigned with overseeing and monitoring American customs laws is Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP).

What Is Us Customs and Border Protection Agency?

The US Custom and Border Protection – with over 60,000 employees, is one of the world’s leading law enforcement organizations that aimed at ensuring border management and control, immigration, combining customs, agricultural protection, and border security.

The organization is charged with protecting the US residents, safeguarding borders, controlling and managing trade, commerce, and economic prosperity within the United States. The organizations strive to enhance the nation’s security as a whole through a sophisticated approach of intelligence, innovation, trust, and collaboration.

US CBP Roles and Duties

As a subdivision of the US Department of Homeland security, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is tasked with monitoring, regulating, controlling, and facilitating import and export, sales, economy, and international trade, enforcing US trade, collecting import duties, customs, enforcing customs rules and immigration regulations across the USA.

Observing its wide scope of responsibilities – with a workforce of over 45,600 federal officers and agents, the organization is undoubtedly the largest law enforcement agency within the US. Although previously the organization was primarily accountable for preventing terrorists from entering the United States, however, it’s also responsible for handling illegal immigration of all kinds. To protect the US’s agricultural, economic and environmental interests the organization is also aimed at preventing the importation of all contraband and illegal drugs into the country.

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