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Second Opinion in Cardiology by Srivastava A.K, MBBS, DNB — Cardiology

Second Opinion in Cardiology by Srivastava A.K, MBBS, DNB — Cardiology

Are you searching briefly second medical opinion in Cardiology, then you have shown up at the ideal locations. Try Second Opinion is associated with a lot of specialists, to give you best assistance so you get a precise” analysis.

Cardiology expert Srivastava A.K, MBBS, DNB — Cardiology is truly outstanding in the business. He is a Cardiologist and has an encounter of 25 years in this field. He finished MBBS from Osmania University in 1982 and DNB — Cardiology from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad in 1985.

He is an individual from the Cardiological Society of India (CSI), Fellowship of the European Society of Cardiology (FESC) and American Association of Cardiology. A portion of the administrations given by the specialist are: Echocardiography, Mitral/Heart Valve Replacement, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), PTCA and CT Angiogram and so on.

At Try Second Opinion, we attempt to furnish our clients with the best health care services accessible. We accept that everybody merits reasonable and quality consideration from qualified experts. Here are a few manners by which our administrations are not quite the same as the opposition:

Through Try Second Opinion, you gain admittance to incredibly famous medical care subject matter experts. You don’t need to explore through piles of desk work, travel far distances, and get through interminable issue just to stand by for weeks to find a solution. Hearing a second medical opinion of view has never been simpler!

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