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Will GM Cows Reduce Cows Milk Allergies in Children?

Will GM Cows Reduce Cows Milk Allergies in Children?

Advancements in genetic science attended quite a distance and researchers are hopeful that the milk from genetically modified (GM) cows will certainly reduce allergies in children. The breakthrough came after slowing down a gene in cow´s that creates a protein that is no within the human body and thus causes a milk allergy in certain children. Cow milk-based infant formula products

Scientists cloned the calf and switched of its natural gene by utilizing genetic engineering which starved it of genetic materials that creates a protein called beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), this content that causes allergies in humans. Tests indicated that the experiment reduced the total amount of protein by 2 per cent and scientists hope the outcome will result in milk-based products that won't cause allergies.

The study was conducted by a group of researchers in New Zealand led by Goetz Liable from the University of Waikato in Hamilton. Employing a revolutionary technique called RNA interference (RNAi), they could actually "knock out" the cow's natural gene that creates BLG. The RNAi technique works on the natural method for switching off genes and does not cause DNA mutations within the genes.

Hypoallergenic milk formulas

Statistics show that around 3 per cent of children in the UK have problems with cow´s milk allergies and scientists feel industry has sufficient demand to carry on their research. Hypoallergenic milk formulas created by the dairy industry at this time is expensive and not always effective. It will make the milk taste sour and does not at all times take away the offending allergens.

The latest results from New Zealand suggest scientists have a powerful case to argue. Not merely was there a reduction in the degree of allergenic proteins the tests also revealed higher concentrations of calcium and caseins that are good for bone structure. The following test is to ascertain whether or not the BLG-free milk causes allergy symptoms in humans.

Infants that are allergic to milk proteins can suffer a selection of symptoms that features vomiting and gastrointestinal upsets, skin rashes and breathing difficulties. In many children that suffer the allergies it is detected in the first year, but it may also be developed later on.

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