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lactose intolerance remedy

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lactose intolerance remedy

lactose intolerance remedy

Are you suffering from lactose intolerance then stop eating the dairy products and eat these foods for proper nutrition like calcium and protein.



Lactose intolerance has many symptoms such as tummy rumbles, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, gas, bloating, stomach aches, and other gastrointestinal problems after eating or drinking milk and dairy products. This condition is characterized by the inability to digest lactose which is the primary sugar in dairy products and milk.

This condition usually is a result of insufficient levels of an enzyme which is called lactase and this enzyme helps break down lactose. The symptoms of this condition can range from mild to severe which depends on the amount of lactase that is produced in the small intestines. Gastroenteritis, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, and Chron’s disease are some of the most common causes of lactose intolerance.

Also, this problem can develop naturally with aging because our small intestines start to make less lactase. This condition in many cases is confused with a milk allergy. A milk allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to the proteins which are found in the milk. Most people who are lactose intolerant can have small amounts of lactose and they will not have any problem.

Also, they do not need to avoid milk and milk products completely. But this condition varies from person to person. There is no cure for this condition and the best way to deal with lactose intolerance is to limit your intake of milk, dairy products, and foods that have lactose. But we know that milk and lactose are also part of many prepared foods such as pancakes, sherbet, non – dairy creamers, cream soups, and cereals. You need to talk with your doctor about your proper diagnosis and treatment.

Home Remedies For Lactose Intolerance:

Apple Cider Vinegar:

This natural cure can help you to reduce the lactose intolerance because it aids digestion, especially in the initial stages. Also, this is a very effective home remedy to neutralize stomach acid and other digestive problems that are caused by lactose intolerance [1]. You should mix one tablespoon of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar in one glass of water. You should drink this natural cure every day for at least a few weeks.


Chamomile tea can help you to get relief from the discomfort which is caused by lactose intolerance. It reduces bloating and it neutralizes stomach acid. Also, this natural cure can promote relaxation. You should add two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers to one cup of hot water. You should cover it. Let it steep for about five minutes and then you should strain it. You should drink this natural cure a few times per day.

Rice tea:

Rice tea is also a very popular home remedy for lactose intolerance. You should add a half cup of rice to the boiled water for around ten minutes. You should wait until the rice becomes render and then, you should stir the rice. Strain as well as take the rice and then you should remove strained water. You should wait until the drained water gets cool. You should add a small amount of honey to this mixture. You should consume this natural cure two times per day to get better outcomes.

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