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Essential Points To Consider While Choosing A GST Consulting Company In Kolkata

MPVD Associates
Essential Points To Consider While Choosing A GST Consulting Company In Kolkata

By now, everybody in India is familiar with the words Good And Services Tax, commonly known as GST. Almost five years have passed since the day GST was first implemented in India (1st July 2017). But still, people don’t know how this tax system works and its benefits. To clear some doubts from people’s minds, various GST consulting firms emerged all over the country.

A GST consulting firm is a company that helps other businesses with filing their GST documents. Usually, any company operating as GST consulting firm must be registered with the GSTN portal. But choosing a firm is not easy as you need to take care of numerous aspects. So, in this blog, we will discuss the key points before selecting a GST consulting company in Kolkata.

Key Points To Consider Before A GST Consultation Firm

Annual Record Maintenance

There are various companies available in the market which offer GST solutions for three or six months. But remember, your business also needs to file annual returns. If your business chooses a consulting company that provides a solution for only six months, it might harm your daily operations. So, we suggest you keep this in mind while selecting a GST consulting company in Kolkata.

Online & Offline Capabilities

The GST regime pre-dominantly relies on the digital world. All major consultation companies need to adapt to this internet technology. But a GST consulting company cannot overlook certain facts like the lack of internet access in small towns and villages. However, many of these small towns and villages are the hub of MSME’s and SMEs in India. So, you cannot simply write off offline capabilities. Offline operations help to keep track of invoice records.

Plug & Play Model

The GST consulting company in Kolkata that you choose for your business should provide flexibility of usage in data entry terms. For example, the possibility to import data from reports based on excel to manual entry. In addition, the consulting firm should also offer options for data storage like storing data on the cloud for future edits and alterations or storing it directly on the GSTN portal. Ideally, the solution you choose should provide you with the flexibility of operation to reduce adaptation time.


Possibility Of Post And Pre Filing Reconciliation

The entire taxation model is quite effective with the GST regime. But numerous people are still used to that traditional method of taxation and its functioning. For them, this technological advancement is limiting their knowledge. See, once you upload the data on the GSTN portal, you can edit them again. But for any vendor who works with a complicated supply chain always has the chance of wrong entry.

Real-Time Infrastructure Upgrade & 24*7 Support

When your business is working with a tax consulting firm, there might be several instances where you have a query or need support. But the firm is not available at that particular time or doesn’t provide any real-time infrastructure. It can create an enormous problem for your business. And the situation can get even worse depending on the type of business you do. So, before choosing a GST consulting company in Kolkata, keep this in mind. 

Final Words

Choosing the right GST consulting firm is extremely important for your business. It will help you with daily operations, keeping the track of records, maintaining sales and purchase returns, and more. But there are numerous factors involved in selecting the firm. So, before opting for a consulting firm, keep the above points in mind.  

MPVD Associates
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