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Canada Spouse Visa Processing Time

Paul Abraham
Canada Spouse Visa Processing Time

In Canada, a Canadian citizen or permanent resident can nominate their spouse to come to Canada and live permanently. Fortunately, they recognize sponsoring a partner, you must have been in a committed relationship for at least a year but been unable to live together or marry owing to circumstances beyond your control.

the importance of individuals coming together in Canada. As a result, applications for spousal sponsorship are prioritized. If you are still unable to marry or live with your partner as common-law, you may be allowed to sponsor a conjugal spouse under certain conditions.

And there's a lot to learn about just like this.

Our professional team has covered everything you need to know about sponsoring your spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner to Canada in our post on Canada Spouse Visa Processing Time 2022.

Everything You Should Know About Spouse Visas in Canada

The Spouse Visa programme allows Canadian citizens and legal residents to apply for permanent residency in Canada for their common-law spouse or partner before applying for a guest visa (Canada). 

To read more: visit here

Paul Abraham
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