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Utilizing QR Codes for Cryptocurrency Addresses

Anvi Lewis
Utilizing QR Codes for Cryptocurrency Addresses

From barter system to fiat money, and now to digital currency- humankind has developed its medium of exchange for making transactions easier for itself. 

However, the problem with cryptocurrency is that an address is required to send or receive payments in cryptocurrency and these payment addresses are rather long and are pretty challenging to remember.

Why do I need a Crypto QR Code?

QR Code makes transactions easier for cryptocurrency users. In order to send or receive crypto payments, you will need an address. This address is made up of 34 characters, but unique to every user.

For example, 15N3yGu3UFHeyUNdzQ5sS3aRFRzu5Ae7EZ sent 0.01718427 crypto to 1JHG2qjdk5Khiq7X5xQrr1wfigepJEK3t on October 29, 2019, between 12:10 and 12:20 p.m. The long strings of numbers and letters are addresses of two cryptocurrency users.

As you can see, it is very inconvenient to have to enter manually by hand each time you need to send or request a payment. So by using a crypto QR code generator that long address can be turned into a QR code ready to scan quickly and easily. With our crypto QR Code, the crypto address can be turned into a QR Code, and the user simply needs to scan the QR Code with their smartphone to initiate a transaction. You can also add a label to indicate who is the receiver of the cryptofunds, as well as the amount you’re requesting.

Creating a Crypto QR Code

The first step involves entering a crypto address in the address field. The second step is for the sender to state how much the recipient should receive. The sender can add a frame and change the colors of the QR Code. The purpose of this is to ensure the QR Code stands out and is more easily recognized. The final step is to download the QR Code.

However, QR Codes can also be part of a scam activity conducted by tricksters looking to obtain details to peoples’ cryptocurrency wallets.

Examples of Using Crypto QR Code

  1.  If you’re an artist and are looking for ways to get a donation, adding a Bitcoin QR Code on your artwork is a surefire way to get the ball rolling. A French street artist, Pascal “PBOY” Boyart, earned almost $4,000 in cryptocurrency after his street painting with a Bitcoin QR Code embedded went viral in 2018.
  2.  If you own a car dealership, you can add a “Pay with Bitcoin” sign to request payment with cryptocurrency. Think this is a stretch? You can already buy a car with Bitcoin and even Tesla's competitor has already begun accepting Bitcoin as payment.
  3.  If you need to send/request crypto payments among friends, perhaps having a permanent QR Code etched on a keychain would work just as fine. Say you’re splitting uber rides or restaurant meals and have nothing to pay with but Bitcoin: a simple scan of your Bitcoin QR Code keychain would do the trick.

Bonus Tips

  1. A QR Code that’s created with a QR Code Generator will never expire as it is static. Static QR Code means that once created, you won’t be able to edit the content and track its scans. If you would like these additional features and more, you can create dynamic QR Codes.
  2. QR code generator creators assure that they respect your privacy. There are no logs or cookies on the platform. You must read the privacy policy on their website  for further information on privacy.

Anvi Lewis
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