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Into The Radius VR The Radius VR

Into The Radius VR The Radius VR

into the radius vr the radius VR “It’s been a long time since a game really confused me to the point of profuse sweating and chills all over my body, but – and I say this without exaggeration – Into The Radius did exactly that. This game feels like it’s cursed.

It’s a cursed piece of software that I have burned into my hard drive, and it got to the point where any noise above 6 decibels was jumped scaring me. The game – functionally speaking – blows my mind. The scavenging in this game is better than anything I’ve ever seen – it’s the tippity top of what’s available out there.

The backpack system for looting is 10 out of 10 both creative and functional. Ammo storage and the way you load guns are immersive enough to make you cry. And you can eat food out of a can!” GOOD – habie147.

Into The Radius VR The Radius VR

“Into the Radius covers a very large open-world map made up of areas that are quite different from each other. However, all of the areas are dangerous and a player must proceed slowly to avoid artifacts or attract the attention of the numerous entities from the Radius. Audio clues are positional and valuable and you must pay attention to them.

The environment is well-rendered, capturing the desolation and atmosphere of the spooky zone, and the NPC sounds are disturbing, adding a distinct element of horror. A player will feel the tension increase, and a sense of dread is palpable when progressing into a dangerous area and that is far more intense than many so-called horror games.

Into the Radius reminds us of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with strong feelings of dread and feelings of extreme isolation in a deadly zone.

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