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Purchasing a New Construction? Why You Need Your Own Real Estate Agent

Fort Myers Beach Real Estate
Purchasing a New Construction? Why You Need Your Own Real Estate Agent

New construction is a tempting option when you are house hunting. The home is pristine and you get to be the first one to live there. You can choose the finishes and treatment that best suit your style and it comes with brand-new appliances. You won't need to make any structural or cosmetic upgrades over the years.

The agent of the builder will assist you if you are interested in purchasing a new construction at Fort Myers Beach Real Estate. Make no mistake; you will need your own agent. Although it may seem easy to sign up for the on-site agent of the builder, you will need someone to represent your side.

What's a builder’s agent?

The builder of a home is the seller. The agent representing the builder, however, is the builder's representative.

The agent of the builder has the job to get the best price for the homes they are selling. This is why they won't be as willing to negotiate down.

Why you should have your own agent

Your agent can accompany you to your first visit to the new building. Why? Why? Your agent should be present at the first visit to make sure that they know you are responsible for the payment of commission. If you do not register your agent for the first visit to a home built on a new site, some builders may refuse to pay you a commission.

Here are some things your agent can do to help you when buying new construction.

Negotiating extras: Do you want upgraded appliances or counters in your new home? Agents can assist you in negotiating extras, such as upgraded counters or appliances. Walgrave states that it is possible to negotiate with builders on details such as paint colors or garage doors, particularly if the housing development has just begun.

Recommending financing. A builder will typically have a preferred lender it will recommend, but your agent can help you make sure you get the best mortgage for you. It's always wise to shop around and not let the builder's representative pressure you into choosing their recommended professional.

Supervising a Home Inspection: Are you tempted to skip a home inspector in new construction? Welsh advises against it. Welsh advises that you don't do it.

How a builder's agent could help you

The builder's representative can help you learn about the potential home.

At Fort Myers Beach Real Estate "They are knowledgeable about construction and available amenities as well as the housing developments and general community vibe." The builder's agent can provide background information, but don't make them your only point of contact in the selling or buying process.

Everybody wants to be able to leave a home purchase, regardless of whether it is new construction or not, with peace of mind. A real estate agent will be there to help you.

Fort Myers Beach Real Estate
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