Locations: 57,647
States: 51
Cities: 8116
How Many FedEx Locations Are There In The United States In 2022?
As of March 01, 2022, there is a total of 57,647 locations in the United States. Texas in the US is the state having the maximum number of FedEx locations. It has 5634 locations which cover 9% of all the total FedEx locations in the United States.
Map Of FedEx Locations In The US In 2022
States Having The Maximum FedEx Locations: Texas Vs California Vs Florida
TexasCaliforniaFloridaPopulation: 29.00MPopulation: 39.51MPopulation: 21.48MLocations: 5634 (9%)Locations: 4852 (8%)Locations: 4602 (7%)There is a FedEx site for each 5,146 individuals, accounting for around 9% of the total number of FedEx locations.There is every FedEx location for each 8143 individuals, with about 8% of the total number of FedEx locations.There is every FedEx location for each 4667 individuals, with about 7% of the total number of FedEx locations.
The US States And Territories Not Having FedEx Locations
Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands do not have any FedEx locations.
Top 10 Cities Having Maximum Number Of FedEx Locations In The US
CityState/TerritoryNumber of LocationsHoustonTexas813AtlantaGeorgia454DallasTexas436MiamiFlorida379WashingtonDistrict of Columbia350AustinAustin345Los AngelesCalifornia331New YorkNew York329San AntonioTexas297
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