Vacations made through an agent vs online booking always evoke confusion. If you believe the US Department of Labor and Statistics Bureau, the travel agent industry is shrinking, with jobs declining by about 5 percent between 2016 and 2026. And in an online world where booking a full vacation is easier than ever, it is rarely a surprise. In this article, we will discuss vacations made through an agent vs online booking.
But the industry is far from dead: A study sponsored by the American Society of Travel Agents found that third-party survey firm Lodestar Consulting Partners found that 92 percent of travelers who used a travel agent were expected to consult again. So, should you book everything?
DIY travel facilities
First, the obvious benefits of booking your own travels: Today's online portals give you instant access to everything from airline flights and rental cars to hotels, with some amazing end-to-end bargaining.
So if you are traveling at a last-minute whiff, there is no need to wait for a travel agent to open up a business or take on a travel program; You just go that way, if the price is your bottom line, and you can save time, you'll probably save yourself money by it - when Business Insider asked a handful of travel agents to quote their prices for the same itinerary, all but one of the authors. He quoted prices that were higher than the prices he himself received.
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