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Atmospheric Foam Packaging is a protective packaging solution that provides custom-fit foam cushions to protect products from shocks

Ben Wood
Atmospheric Foam Packaging is a protective packaging solution that provides custom-fit foam cushions to protect products from shocks

Atmospheric foam packaging systems are made of high-density cross-linked polyethylene. They are designed with both a suction and return connection. These tanks are compatible with all foam concentrates. These tanks are generally used with balanced pressure pump proportioning skid type systems. They are also available in custom sizes. They are also compatible with all types of foam concentrates.

Atmospheric foam packaging solutions are proportioned with air to create a stable blanket of foam. The ratio of foam solution to air depends on the fuel. For hydrocarbon fires, the foam concentration ratio must be 1%, while for polar solvent fires, it must be 3%. The foam is a stable blanket of bubbles that separates the fuel from the oxygen supply and prevents it from leaking. It protects buildings and lives by preventing the release of flammable vapor.

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Ben Wood
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