AI Products 


Amanda Bell

One of the main reasons to use agricultural oils instead of typical grade oils for lubricating farm machinery is that the oils have been particularly chosen for the job. Those who use them can generally enjoy improved performance from their oils as a result. Ideally, you must be looking for engines and relevant oils that are fluid at low temperatures yet that are still able to provide excellent protection when machinery is running at high temperatures, as can typically be the case in the industry.


PETRONAS AKCELA ® and PETRONAS AMBRA ® fluids and lubricants provide maximum protection and peak performance throughout the harvest duration and top-quality assurance. Today's gas and diesel engines are working harder than ever before at higher temperatures and pulling heavier loads. It takes remarkable lubricating oils to take on the challenge. That is why PETRONAS Oil and Lubricants International partners with the agricultural and transportation industries to develop specific requirements to achieve outstanding efficiency. It is hard to control the exterior elements that produce engine degradation. Consequently, it is important to have certainty over what enters your engine. Our lubricants deal with residue, sludge, and engine wear, providing exceptional piston cleanliness as well as ideal viscosity. So, you can feel confident of your equipment’s efficiency, to the last decline.

Amanda Bell
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