AI Products 

1" Thermal Mass Flow Meter

Industrial Flow Meter
1" Thermal Mass Flow Meter

1" Thermal Mass Flow Meter

$1,800.00 – $2,100.00

A thermal mass flow meter is a precision instrument that measures gas mass flow. The device is used in a wide range of applications in many industries.

A thermal mass flow meter is a precision instrument that measures gas mass flow. The device is used in a wide range of applications in many industries.

EASY to use Low Flow Mass Flow Meters. Check our stock & prices that beats our competition.

Our thermal Mass Flow Meter or Controller is capable of providing direct measurement of mass flow, as opposed to most other methods that measure volumetric flow & require separate measurements for temperature & pressure in order to calculate density &, ultimately, the mass flow.

We also sell gas Mass flow Controllers built to measure air & gas. These flow meters shipping from stock (usually within 48hrs) & are configured for you.

Our EASY to use gas Mass Flow Controllers are in stock at prices that beat our competition.  Read more..

Industrial Flow Meter
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