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Top 7 Bank PO Coaching Classes in Mumbai | Crack Bank PO Exam

What After College
Top 7 Bank PO Coaching Classes in Mumbai | Crack Bank PO Exam

The position of a Bank Probationary Officer, short-formed as a PO, is generally a Scale 1 Assistant Manager. A person who grabs this position becomes a Grade 1 Scale Junior Manager; hence, being called as a Scale 1 Officer.

Usually, after the selection process, a PO has to undergo an extensive training program based on different verticals, like accounting, finance, investment, and more. In a way, a PO has to ensure that the bank’s business remains constant by handling customer complaints and issues effortlessly.

As far as the examination goes, the entire process can be quite tricky, thanks to the complex syllabus. That’s one of the primary reasons why candidates are suggested to seek help from a renowned Bank PO Coaching Classes in Mumbai, to make the most out of this vacancy.

The syllabus is curated to gauge the aptitude as well as the general awareness of the candidate. There are three different steps, preliminary exam, mains exam, and the interview. The preliminary paper is divided into three different sections, such as Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, and Reasoning. The main comprises five sections, namely, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and Verbal Ability. However, this pattern may differ from bank to bank.


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