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How to inking up in a book printing process


A very important step in a good printed work is to ink the printer. This step is very important. It's best not to make any mistakes in order to ensure perfection,

Operation steps for inking up the printer in book printing process

1. Repeatedly check the color in the ink container to verify that the ink is the color to be put into the printing systems.

2. The ink in the ink pump is circulated through the ink supply hose and flows back to the ink pump to remove the system air.

3. If the ink bucket is used, align the ink bucket and lock the pressing device. Make sure that the ink fountain does not rub against the end of any roller or the surface of the plate cylinder.

4. If the ink return uses an ink bucket, align the ink bucket and lock the pressing device. Make sure that the hose bypasses all moving parts. When using water-based ink, the ink return hose must be immersed in the ink of the ink pump to a certain depth so as to avoid foam.

5. The ink supply hose of the ink pump is well connected with the ink distribution system.

6. Put the ink pump into the distribution system.

7.After using the ink pump to transport the ink for a period of time, measure the viscosity (pH value and viscosity for water-based ink) to ensure that the working parameters of the ink are correct. If the working parameters of the ink are incorrect in the book printing process, the ink should be adjusted and checked again to meet the technical requirements before the operation of the printer.

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